Saturday, November 21, 2009

Somein', Somein'

I am going to start changing things around a bit. I have been reading some other people's blogs and more often than not, I am inspired, motivated, lifted, and most especially, in awe. To read other's thoughts and views on life puts me in a different driver's seat, viewing my life through other's lenses gives me a sense of how life can be lived.

I can't remember who said it, but I have tried to make it a priority maxim in my daily interactions, paraphrasing it, it ends up somewhere along the lines of, "Every man or woman I meet is my better in some way. In that, every new person I meet brings a new lesson to my life." It is amazing what we can learn from other people if we open our eyes, ears, and hearts to the beauty of every human soul we come in contact with.

For a closer, I saw a James Dean poster that read, "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." If you look at your life, wishing you could change certain things about yourself, overcome fear and timidity, and have your dreams become reality, think about what James said. Think about it when you go to your next interview, when you talk to the next guy or girl you see for the first time as your heart races and your knees buckle, when you are told that you don't have the talent, skills, or abilities to accomplish your goals, and most importantly, when you fail, fail, fail, and fail again, Think about it.


  1. dude, do you know who jonathan gold is?? I just read some article about him in the NewYorker. He is some super food critic of dive shops, hole in the wall kind of places. I love the lessons that we can learn when we meet to new people. Write hard, write long, and hang it up wet to dry when you are done!
