Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Better Dayz

Ain't it the life though? Shoot, standing here in my kitchen, cooking spaghetti, listening to Tupac's Better Dayz, watching the sun go down out my window, preparing for a night of karaoke on the town with good people I love. Ain't it the life? I don't remember any better dayz than the one I'm livin' in right now. Give me a torn muscle that hasn't healed in a month and a half, take away the sport that is one of very few things in life that gives me happiness, but give me a plate of spaghetti with shredded parmesan cheese on it, and I'm livin' the life; the good life. My crushed heel, my torn peroneus longus, my three cracked ribs, my pulled hamstrings and groin, sciatica down the left side of my body for months and years, potential carpal tunnel syndrome in my wrist from a hit I took at practice, it's all taught me what I love most about my life and what is most important in any person's life; people. But people are only masses of emotion, flesh, and blood without the relationship we can have with them. And just as I'm finishing up my thoughts, my spaghetti is done and I'm ready to eat.

Live the good life baby.

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