Friday, December 4, 2009

Where We Go

Often I think of tasks, chores, goals, works, actions, innumerable things to do before I get to where I wanted to go. Sometimes I wonder how I will ever get there. How did you get there?

Often I think of how much work successful writers and people in general put into their profession. How much work did you have to put in to get there?

Often I think of the sacrifices I will have to make to reach my destination, many sacrifices that I still need to make. How much have you sacrificed to get there?

Often I think of opportunities that lie ahead of me that if taken will prove fruitful and vivacious. What opportunities are you waiting for to get there?

Often I think of characteristics that I lack yet believe I can acquire. What characteristics have you acquired to get there?

Often I think of the grand end of me, me the potential that translates into fulfillment. What is your potential in getting there?

Are our dreams frivolous? Are they unrealistic? Are they too big or too far away for us?

I'll be damned if you tell me they are because I just don't believe you.


  1. 1.I made it with luck, help, and being different.
    2.Sometimes a lot of work, other times none at all.
    3.I have sacraficed other dreams only to realize nothing is a sacrifice because you always have a choice.
    4.I create my opportunitys.
    5.Being Bold, and breaking out.
    6.My potential is only head at bay by own conflicts.
    7. The more frivoluous, the more unrealistic, the bigger and further away a dream is sets your mind in motion to attain it, then surpasss it.
    ...they whoever they are only to tell you to be realistic because they never realized there dreams for themselves and are living a life of anguish.
    Forget them. Leave them wallowing and find higher ground with those who can appreciate your quest.

  2. So true Pete. What do we really sacrifice in life when the thing that we could have is infinitely better than the things we hold on to?
    You know Pete, I think I'm ready to take some chances, fall in love and have my heart broken, try to reach a goal and fail and still have a dream.
    It is a quest and I will be damned if anybody, most of all my self stands in the way of my quest. I guess that means I will have to destroy or overcome the self that stands in my way, finding the self that LIVESSS!!!

  3. that last line was so powerful. i love reading what you have to say. thanks so much for last night. it was exactly what i needed. we need to do girls night more often, with you of course.

  4. thanks Amy. I hope to act as strongly as I feel one day. Yeah, girls night rocks, let's for sure do it again soon. funny sidenote: putting an exclamation mark made it sound gayer.

  5. Girls' night and you're the only guy. Sweet! How did you score that?

  6. just got to give the ladies what they want...hahahaha, I love you Amy and Margo!
