Monday, June 14, 2010

Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave

This post is for all the people out there that don't get what they want. How many times a day do you wish you had something in your life, but it just isn't there? For me, it happens at least once a day, and about twice a week it is something really big that makes me depressed I don't have it. I know how old people with arthritis feel. I wake up every morning with a shooting pain down the left side of my lower body, every day hoping and praying that the pain will subside, stop, and eventually leave me forever. I feel moments, maybe minutes long worth, of freedom from the pain, but it inevitably comes back to literally bite me in the butt.
I guess pain is there to be my constant companion. She has already taught me a few things about life and now that I feel that the lessons are over, she can go. But she doesn't. She clings to me lint to cotton. We all have so much to learn from pain in our life, we just want to learn it and be done with it. Not so. That isn't the plan. I guess when I get older I will look back on my life and say, "sheesh, I am sooo glad that I went through that, I learned so much about life." Ha. But I am not older yet and I just say be gone.
Trust. Apparently trust comes with a price, and that price is some form of pain; whether it is physical or emotional, you have to pay the price. There is no skirting the contract, there is no hedging your bet. You have to pay what you have to pay and that is that.
I guess we can still feel pain in our life, but it does not have to bring us down. We can smile through it and endure. Yep. Smile and wave boys, smile and wave. That will be my motto: Smile and wave boys, smile and wave....


  1. you're great, jm. i hate that you're still not better. and i hope colorado is beautiful.

  2. JM!
    This made me laugh. Sorry for your misfortune. ;)
